
Why Hello! Welcome to my blog!

Herein lies the words of a gal with her head in the clouds, but her feet on the ground (no, I’m not tall, just poetic). If you like reading fantasy, deep characters, or the ramblings of someone trying to write those things, then you’re in the right place!

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And Thus it Begins…

Hello, dear readers. Welcome to my blog. First, I’d like to apologize for the basic look of the blog so far. This is my first attempt at doing something like this and there is a lot more customization that goes into it than I expected. I thought I could just click “create a blog” and…

It Starts as a Dream

“Where do you get your ideas?” This is probably the question I receive the most whenever I discuss my writing. As you may have guessed, the title of this post is one of the answers to that question. I like to think that I’m a creative person (I’d certainly hope so, if I’m going to…

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